Oil Price To Average $85 For Next 12 Months: Survey
The oil price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude will average US$85 per barrel for the next 12 months, according to a recent survey of Canadian oil and gas industry executives conducted by Raymond James. Oil prices have slumped in recent…

Opportunities & Challenges For Commercial Real Estate In 2023
The 2023 commercial real estate outlook highlights the significant changes in the industry, with a focus on San Francisco and New York City. San Francisco has seen a rise in office vacancies, with the vacancy rate increasing from 6% pre-pandemic…

The ‘Explosive’ AI Trend Is Here To Stay. These Stocks Are Poised To Benefit
Wall Street's fascination with AI has become more targeted since initial frenzy. The rise to prominence of ChatGPT has made AI(artificial intelligence) one of the key themes for companies in 2023, and numerous players are set to reap its benefits…

What Investors Should Know About Office Buildings With Subleases
What the surplus of subleased space available in today’s office market means for investors and how they can best operate in the changing landscape. Availability of office space for sublease has climbed markedly in the Tampa Bay area, where…

U.S. Natural Gas Demand Exceeds Supply As LNG Exports Jump
High export demand for LNG and higher domestic natural gas consumption pushed U.S. gas demand to higher levels than supply last year, resulting in the highest average Henry Hub spot price since 2008, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission…

Federal Reserve Hikes Rates By A Quarter Percentage Point, Indicates Increases Are Near An End
The Federal Reserve on Wednesday enacted a quarter percentage point interest rate increase, expressing caution about the recent banking crisis and indicating that hikes are nearing an end.
Along with its ninth hike since March 2022, the rate-setting…

Bitcoin Erases Fed Losses As Traders Eye $40k BTC Price Target
BTC price snaps back into its uptrend after Bitcoin market nerves over U.S. economic policy fade in line with stocks and gold. Bitcoin returned to near $29,000 on March 23 as bulls ignored news of a fresh United States regulatory crackdown.…

Existing-Home Sales Surged 14.5% In February, Ending 12-Month Streak Of Declines
Existing-home sales reversed a 12-month slide in February, registering the largest monthly percentage increase since July 2020, according to the National Association of REALTORS®. Month-over-month sales rose in all four major U.S. regions.…

Goldman Sachs Now Sees Oil Hitting $140 This Summer
High oil and gasoline prices will need to rise even higher this summer to incentivize new production and discourage consumption, according to Goldman Sachs. The Wall Street bank is now forecasting Brent crude oil prices will average $140 a…

4 REITs To Gain Exposure To Growing Self-Storage Real Estate Market
George Carlin’s classic bit about “stuff” and where to put “stuff” and the hilarity of finding places for “stuff” is what self-storage is all about. The dilemma of where to put your stuff is addressed by this market and one of…