With No Slowdown In Sight, Dallas Home Prices Go Up 23.7%

With No Slowdown In Sight, Dallas Home Prices Go Up 23.7%

Dallas-area home prices rocketed ahead by a record 23.7% in the latest national measure.

Dallas’ year-over-year price increase in July was one of the largest in the country and ahead of the 19.7% nationwide gain in the latest S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Home Price Index.

The increases from July 2020 were the largest ever reported in the monthly Case-Shiller survey, which for 30 years has tracked home prices in 20 of the largest U.S. cities.

“July 2021 is the fourth consecutive month in which the growth rate of housing prices set a record,” S&P’s Craig J. Lazzara said in the new report. “The last several months have been extraordinary, not only in the level of price gains but in the consistency of gains across the country.

“Home prices in 19 of our 20 cities now stand at all-time highs,” Lazzara said.

The greatest price rises were in Phoenix (32.4%) and San Diego (27.8%). All of the metro areas saw double-digit percentage home price growth from July 2020 levels.

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Source: Dallas Morning News

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